Supervision & Group Work

Dr Felicity Grace has years of experience running a wide variety of groups for both learning and therapy.

Felicity’s learning groups include group supervision and Advanced mental health training for practitioners with a special interest in Trauma and Post-trauma growth and client empowerment.

Felicity Grace is an fully trained facilitator and teaches Family Constellations to holistic therapists in small group work weekends.

Felicity’s therapy groups include shared experience groups for personal growth and healing. She has run closed and open; time limited and ongoing groups for clients experiencing grief and loss, somatic pain, anxiety, and resilience after family violence or workplace bullying. 

Clients often nominate groups they would like to form and participate in. Many issues that benefit from individual therapy show even greater healing when explored and shared with a group who resonate.

Felicity offers group Family Constellations for you to create your family constellation within a small group of 6-12 participants.

Felicity is a recognised supervisor for AASW, PACFA and ACA members.

Supervision and Training

Felicity has ongoing interest in offering Family Constellations Training; she also has interest in bringing further PBSP Training to Australia. Please email if you are a counsellor and interested in advanced training.

Individual or Group Supervision face to face or by Skype

Contact information and bookings here.